Beading Tutorial Salinas RingMy Salinas Ring..

Two full days I was working on this design, so no time for cooking and cleaning…
(poor me 🙂 )

But I am very satisfied with the result and it is definitely a beautiful and challenging beading project. It is not quick and easy, also not suitable for beginners and beaders without patience.

I am looking forward to the photos of your finished work of this Beading Tutorial.

Yesterday I was a little overwhelmed from the reactions on Facebook about this ring.
It was for me the motivation to get up early and dedicate myself to make the tutorial for “Salinas Ring” Again no cooking and cleaning.

When I was making this ring, I did a great invention 🙂

I made this ring with a Tulip needle with a broken top.
I thought: That is how beading needles have to be – blunt. When they are sharp you can easy damage the thread and you know what consequences that will have…

Maybe they are already on the market and if not…
This is a great opportunity for needle makers! 🙂

We are with our boat (house, office, workshop, studio, transportation device and communication center) on anchor in the bay by Salinas, Puerto Rico.
Totally sheltered behind reefs and mangroves. The boat is not moving at all, it is so quiet and peaceful and that is exactly the kind of place you need when you are making this ring 🙂
That’s why… Salinas Ring!

And here it is:  Beading Tutorial Salinas Ring